
Your displaying articles related to Linux.

Pritunl: Create Your Own Vpn Server

What is Pritunl? Pritunl is a self-hosted vpn server solution. You can create a cloud vpn with Pritunl and you can secure your network with it. The pritunl has simple web UI and bunch of features. The article was prepared according to Ubuntu 22.04 server. You can find other installation alternatives for other OS at the bottom. Prequirites 512 MB RAM 1 Core CPU 10 GB Disk Space Ubuntu 22.04 Root access Pritunl Installation on Ubuntu 22....

September 2, 2024 · 3 min

Linux: How to Create Dynamic Motd

When Linux users find themselves looking for meaning of life on their consoles, they created motd for get inspired from other peoples of sayings ^^ [source: a mockingbird] MOTD is an abbreviation of “message of the day”. The contents of /etc/motd are displayed by login after a successful login but just before it executes the login shell. It isn’t a big deal using or not. But, i wanted to create a bash script for create motd file dynamically....

September 1, 2024 · 1 min